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Children teach us to be still and present, to listen and tune in to what often isn’t said in words.


Children help us to remember that wisdom isn’t always aligned with age and that wisdom presents in many forms.


Children have taught me that if we truly listen, hear, see and feel, we can gain a deeper understanding of them and ourselves and that with understanding, non-judgement, kindness, empathy, gentleness and genuineness, healing can happen.


















Play Therapy is an evidence based way of working with children between the ages of approximately 3-11yrs


"Play is a child's language and toys are their words" Garry Landreth. 


In Play Therapy a relationship is created in which play is the primary way in which children communicate (Wilson 2000)


In Non Directive Child Centred Play Therapy, the therapist follows the child's lead and enters into their world.


One of the most important parts of play therapy is to develop a safe place and relationship of strong trust. Within this safety children are then able to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences and behaviours. (usually through play as their natural medium of expression). 


Often it is challenging for children to verbalise their thoughts and feelings, so Play Therapy enables another means by which children can share. 


Through the strong therapeutic relationship developed, children can start to make sense of experiences and can work and heal through past events also. 


Children gain deeper understandings of themselves, their experiences and the world around them in this way and this also nourishes the development of new neural pathways within their brain. 


As part of the process of play therapy children develop a stronger sense of themselves and understanding of their thoughts, feelings, behaviours and alternatives ways of solving challenges and strategies to better deal with experiences and thus gain insight leading to healing, self discovery and growth.






















Research has identified Play Therapy as an effective approach for children experiencing the following: 


* Adjustment to family changes

* Friendship concerns and making friends 

* Intense emotional experiences such as anger, fear, sadness, shyness and anxiety 

* Aggression and behavioural concerns related 

* Bullying and school difficulties 

* ADHD and ADD

* Abuse and Neglect 

* Social adjustment concerns 

* Separation anxiety 

* Sleeping and eating concerns 

* Self concept and self esteem 

* Trauma

* Grief and Loss 

* Autism (other than severe autism) 

* Chronic illness/hospitalisation/surgery 

* Physical symptoms without medical cause 

* Bonding and Attachment 

* Foster, adoption and identity issues 

* Prenatal and Birth Trauma 

*Selective Mutism 

* Near death experiences 


Research and Evidence Based Research for Child Centred Play Therapy:



Child Centred Play Therapy Research: The Evidence Base for Effective Practice by Jennifer N.Baggerly (Author, Editor), Dee C. Ray (Author, Editor), Sue C. Bratton (Author, Editor). 

















When a child accesses Non Directive Child Centred Play Therapy it is very important that parents/carers are involved in the process of intake and healing.


In this way parents/carers will be asked to attend an INITIAL INTAKE session (1.5 HOURS) where information with regards to the child's life, experiences, concerns and goals will be explored and discussed and a plan developed.


Once the child begins Play Therapy I ask that you contact me if anything important arises in between sessions as will I and also arrange CONSULTATION Sessions after approximately 5/6 weeks depending upon the child's process and when this is most appropriate and useful. These consultations will continue to occur throughout the process of therapy until it's completion. 


Due to each child's uniqueness and unique experiences and other factors the number of sessions arranged will be discussed at the initial intake.  


Children can also be seen when accessing NDIS for support. 


If the child is not accessing Play Therapy, however, you are in need of assistance with Parenting/Carer concerns and/or wish to access support in relation to ideas for assisting your child I am also able to provide Parent Consultations instead of Play Therapy specifically for your child. 





Children Embracing in Circle


Girl Hugging Tedding Bear
Happy Family
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